The chestnut tiramisu that gained fame on Netflix’s cooking competition show “Black & White Chef: Culinary Class War” is now available at CU convenience stores. This dessert was created by Chef Kwon Sung-jun, a participant known as the “Naples Mafia,” using convenience store ingredients, and received high praise from judges, winning first place on the show. The launch of this product at CU reflects its continued popularity.
The chestnut tiramisu was introduced by Chef Kwon during the “Revival Round” using CU’s private label products like “Yonsei Milk Marron Cream Bread” and “HEYROO Chestnut Special.” After the episode aired, sales of these items surged. Judges commented that it looked like a dessert that could cost tens of thousands of won at a hotel. The recipe quickly went viral post-broadcast, gaining massive popularity. Prior to the official launch, pre-orders for the product were conducted via the PocketCU app and sold out in a short period, proving its popularity. The reason for this strong interest was not just the show’s success, but also the excitement of consumers being able to experience the taste for themselves.
From October 8th to 10th, CU conducted pre-sales of the chestnut tiramisu cup on the PocketCU app. The pre-order opened at 2 p.m. and within just 20 minutes, all 20,000 units sold out, indicating an overwhelming response. This marked the fastest and highest sales volume in the shortest time since the launch of the PocketCU app, clearly reflecting the popularity of the program.
A CU representative stated, “We didn’t expect the 20,000 pre-order units to sell out so quickly.” As a result, CU plans to continue collaborating on various projects to offer more opportunities to customers. Pre-order customers can pick up their products starting on October 12th, and the tiramisu will also be available in general stores starting in the afternoon of the same day.
CU and the “Naples Mafia” Chef plan to actively develop additional products following this collaboration. BGF Retail, which operates CU, mentioned, “We want customers nationwide to directly experience the popular menus from ‘Black & White Chef’ through our stores.” This launch is expected to provide customers with a unique experience and further strengthen CU’s product competitiveness.
The release of the chestnut tiramisu allows fans to experience the huge popularity of “Black & White Chef” in the form of a convenience store product. It will be interesting to see what other innovative items will come out in the future. We look forward to more exciting collaborations between CU and Chef Kwon Sung-jun.